A little backstory for you.

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Hello, my name is Emily, and I'm from Maine.

I often joke my parents taught me how to throw a dinner party before they taught me how to read. Luckily reading came along not long after and now I can both cook and read at the same time. 

As a child I would most frequently be found dressing up in costumes, making up and acting out stories of far-off places and beautiful things. Honestly I haven’t changed much; I’m still dreaming of traveling and frequently overdressed for the occasion. Hey, it’s not my fault I have no where to wear this ballgown.

I set out to find myself all the way across the country, and found myself coming home to Maine. So here I am, taking everything I loved as a child and making it a side hustle.

For the most up-to-date reflection of my (sometimes wild) imagination, you can find me on instagram at @emilyfrommaine.